
O. Aichholzer. and K. Reinhardt. A quadratic distance bound on sliding between crossing-free spanning trees. In Proc. European Workshop on Computational Geometry EWCG '04, Sevilla, Spain, 2004. [ps, Slides]

O. Aichholzer. and K. Reinhardt. A quadratic distance bound on sliding between crossing-free spanning trees. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 37(3):155-161, 2007. [ps, Slides]

E. Allender. and K. Reinhardt. Isolation, Matching, and Counting. In 13 th IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, pages 92-100, 1998. 1998.

E. Allender, K. Reinhardt, and S. Zhou. Isolation matching and counting uniform amd nonuniform upper bounds. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 59:164-181, 1999. [pdf]

Bernd Borchert and K. Reinhardt. Searching paths of constant bandwidth. In Stuller, Wiedermann, editor, Proceedings of the 32nd SOFSEM, number 3831 in LNCS, pages 187-196, 2006. [pdf] A preliminary version appeared as Technical Report WSI-2004-10 Tübingen (Germany), Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut für Informatik, November 2004. [pdf, Slides]

Bernd Borchert and K. Reinhardt. Exponential Multiplication Schemes. Technical Report WSI-2006-10 Tübingen (Germany), Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut für Informatik, November 2006. [pdf]

Bernd Borchert and K. Reinhardt. Deterministically and Sudoku-deterministically recognizable picture languages. in preproceedings of LATA 07. Also appeared as Technical Report WSI-2006-09 Tübingen (Germany), Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut für Informatik, October 2006. [pdf, Slides]

Bernd Borchert and K. Reinhardt. Abhör- und manipulationssichere Verschlüsselung für Online Accounts mittels Visueller Krytographie an der Bildschirmoberfläche. Patent application DE-10-2007-018802.3, 2007.

Bernd Borchert and K. Reinhardt. Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur abhör- und manipulationssicheren Verschlüsselung von Online Accounts. Patent application DE-10-2007-029759.0, 2007.

M. Bertol and K. Reinhardt. The tautologies over a finite set are context-free. EATCS Bulletin, 57:196-197, October 1995.

Volker Diekert, Anca Muscholl, and Klaus Reinhardt. On codings of traces. In E. W. Mayr, editor, Proceedings of the 12th STACS, number 900 in LNCS, pages 185-196, 1995.[dvi pdf]

V. Diekert, E. Ochmanski, and K. Reinhardt. On confluent semi-commutation systems - decidability and complexity results. Information and Computation, 110:164-182, 1994. A preliminary version was presented at ICALP'91, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 510 (1991).

H. Fernau, Rudolf Freund Marion Oswald and K. Reinhardt. Refining the Nonterminal Complexity of Graph-controlled Grammars. Proceedings of the DCFS, pages 110-121. 2005.[]

H. Fernau, T. Hagerup N. Nishimura P. Ragde and K. Reinhardt. On the parameterized complexity of a generalized Rush Hour puzzle. Proceedings of the 15th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, pages 6-9. 2003.[pdf.dvi] [Java]

H. Fernau, K.-J. Lange and K. Reinhardt. Advocating ownership. In V. Chandru, editor, Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, volume 1180 of LNCS, pages 286-297. Springer, December 1996.

H. Fernau, K.-J. Lange and K. Reinhardt. Advocating ownership. Technical Report WSI-96-32, Universität Tübingen (Germany), Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut für Informatik, October 1996.

H. Fernau, K. Reinhardt and L. Staiger. Decidability of Code Properties In W. Thomas, editor, Preproceedings DLT'99, Aachener Informatik-Berichte 99-5, RWTH Aachen, 1999.

H. Fernau, K. Reinhardt and L. Staiger. Decidability of Code Properties Martin-Luther-Universit\"at Halle-Wittenberg, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik nr .11}, To appear in RAIRO, 2000.

M. Kunde, R. Niedermeier, K. Reinhardt, and P. Rossmanith. Optimal average case sorting on arrays. In E. W. Mayr, editor, Proceedings of the 12th  STACS, number 900 in LNCS, pages 503-514, 1995. [pdf]

M. Kunde, R. Niedermeier, K. Reinhardt, and P. Rossmanith. Optimal deterministic sorting and routing on grids and tori with diagonals. Technical Report TUM-I9629, Technische Universität München, Institut für Info rmatik, July 1996. [pdf]

M. Kunde, R. Niedermeier, K. Reinhardt, and P. Rossmanith. Optimal Deterministic Sorting and Routing on Grids and Tori with Diagonals. Algorithmica 25:438--458, 1999. [Java] [pdf]

K.-J. Lange and K. Reinhardt. Empty alternation. In B. Rovan, editor, Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, number 841 in LNCS, pages 494-503, Kosice, Slovakia, August 1994. Springer-Verlag. [dvi pdf]

K.-J. Lange and K. Reinhardt. Automaten mit der Datenstruktur Menge. In 5. GI Theorietag ``Automaten und Formale Sprachen'', Technical Report 9503, Universität Gießen, Arbeitsgruppe Informatik, pages 159-167, 1995.

K.-J. Lange and K. Reinhardt. Set automata. In D. S. Bridges, editor, Combinatorics, Complexity and Logic; Proceedings of the DMTCS'96, ISBN 981308314, pages 321-329. Springer, dec 1996.

P. McKenzie, K. Reinhardt, and V. Vinai. Circuits and contextfree langauges. Computing and Combinatorics, 5th Annual Internat. Conf. Tokyo, Japan, LNCS 1627, pages 194--203, 1999.

R. Niedermeier , K. Reinhardt and P. Sanders . Towards optimal locality in mesh-indexings. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory, number 1279 in LNCS, pages 364--375, Krakow, Poland, September 1997. Springer .[Java] [pdf]

R. Niedermeier , K. Reinhardt and P. Sanders . Towards optimal locality in mesh-indexings. Technical Report Universität Karlsruhe, Fakultät für Informatik, IB 12/97, September 1997. Revised and expanded version of the FCT'97 paper. [dvi pdf]

R. Niedermeier , K. Reinhardt and P. Sanders . Towards optimal locality in mesh-indexings. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 117(1--3): 211--237, March 2002. [pdf]

Pavel Pudlak K. Reinhardt and Pascal Tesson Denis Therien Über die Multiparty-Kommunikationskomlexitäat regulärer Sprachen. 11. Theorietag, Automaten und Formale Sprachen, Wendgräben bei Magdeburg, 2001, 93--95. [ps]

K. Reinhardt and E. Allender. Making Nondeterminism Unambiguous. 38 th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), pages 244--253, 1997. [dvi] [ps]

K. Reinhardt and E. Allender. Making Nondeterminism Unambiguous. SIAM J. Comp. Vol. 29, 2000, 1118--1131. [pdf]

K. Reinhardt and Denis Therien Some more regular languages that are Church Rosser congruential. 13. Theorietag, Automaten und Formale Sprachen, Herrsching, 200, 97--103. [pdf ps]

K. Reinhardt. Hierarchien mit alternierenden Kellerautomaten, alternierenden Grammatiken und finiten Transducern. Diplomarbeit, Universität Stuttgart, Breitwiesenstr. 22, D-70565 Stuttgart, September 1989.

K. Reinhardt. Hierarchies over the context-free languages. In J. Dassow and J. Kelemen, editors, 6th IMYSC, number 464 in LNCS, pages 214-224. , 1990. [dvi]

K. Reinhardt. Counting and empty alternating pushdown automata. In J. Dassow, editor, Developments in Theoretical Computer Science: 7th IMYSC, number 6 in Topics in Computer Mathematics, pages 123-132. Gordon and Breach Science Publishes S.A., 1992. [dvi pdf]

K. Reinhardt. Sorting in-place with a worst case complexity of n log n - 1.3 + o(log(n)) comparisons and n log n + o(1) transports. In Ibaraki et al., editor, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, number 650 in LNCS, pages 489-498. , 1992. [dvi pdf]

K. Reinhardt. Das Erreichbarkeitsproblem bei Petrinetzen mit inhibitorischen Kanten. Manuscript, 1994.

K. Reinhardt. Prioritätszählerautomaten und die Synchronisation von Halbspursprachen. Dissertation, Institut für Informatik, Universität Stuttgart, 1994. [dvi pdf]

K. Reinhardt. On the synchronization of semi-traces. In H. Reichel, editor, 10th FCT, number 965 in LNCS, pages 393-403, Dresden, August 1995. [dvi pdf]

K. Reinhardt. Reachability in Petri Nets with Inhibitor arcs. Manuscript, 1995. [dvi]

K. Reinhardt. Reachability in Petri nets with inhibitor arcs. Technical Report WSI-96-30, Universität Tübingen (Germany), Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut für Informatik, 1996.

K. Reinhardt. Strict sequential P-completeness. In R. Reischuk, editor, Proceedings of the 14th  STACS, number 1200 in LNCS, pages 329-338, Lübeck, February 1997. [dvi pdf]

K. Reinhardt. On some recognizable picture-languages. In L. Brim, editor, Proceedings of the 23th  MFCS, number 1450 in LNCS, pages 760-770. Springer-Verlag, August 1998. [dvi ps]

K. Reinhardt. A parallel contextfree derivation hierarchy. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory, LNCS 1684, pages 441--450, 1999. [dvi ps]

K. Reinhardt. The $\#a=\#b$ Pictures are Recognizable. In Proceedings of the 18th  STACS, number 2010 in LNCS 2010, pages 527--538, Springer-Verlag, Dresden, 2001. [dvi ps] [Java]

K. Reinhardt. 45. Workshop für Komplexitätstheorie, Datenstrukturen und effiziente Algorithmen (Theorietag). Technical Report WSI-2002-1, Universität Tübingen (Germany), Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut für Informatik, Februar 2002. [ps]

K. Reinhardt. The Complexity of Translating Logic to Finite Automata Grädel, Erich and Thomas, Wolfgang and Wilke, Thomas: Automata, Languages, and Infinite Games, LNCS 2500, pages 231--238, Springer-Verlag, 2002.

K. Reinhardt. Finding the shore of a lake. 2004. [dvi pdf] [Java]

K. Reinhardt. Counting as Method, Model and Task in Theoretical Computer Science. Habilitation-thesis, 2005. [pdf]

K. Reinhardt. The complexity of the bigamist matching problem. Manuscript, 2006. [pdf]

K. Reinhardt. Reachability in Petri Nets with Inhibitor arcs. revised Manuscript, 2006. [pdf]

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