[German Version/Deutsche Version]

Dr. Stefan Brass
Professor (C4),
Institute for Computer Science,
University of Halle
- University of Halle
Institute for Computer Science
D-06099 Halle (Saale)
- Office: Room 313
(Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1, 06120 Halle)
[Google Maps]
[Campus Plan].
- Email: brass@informatik.uni-halle.de
- Phone: +49-345/55-24740
- Fax: +49-345/55-27333
- Secretary:
Ms. Vahrenhold, Phone: +49-345/55-24750
- Office Hours: Mondays, 12:00-13:00.
Please check my German page for
possible exceptions.
For instance,
the office hour on December 11, 2023,
cannot take place.
- Databases
- Logic Programming, Deductive Databases
- Knowledge Representation, Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Negation as Failure
- Database Education, Semantic Errors in SQL Queries
- World Wide Web Query Languages and Search Agents
- Semistructured Data
Current Research:
Current Lectures (Winter 2020/21)
- Talk on Datalog 2.0 2019
(04.06.2019, PDF)
- Hints for Exam Preparation (in German, under construction):
- For the "Science Night 2009" I am working on a talk about
Search Engine Optimization
with "http://www.bigzanders-feuerwerke.de"
as a practical example.
If you could contribute your own experiences about search engines
and search engine optimization,
this would be very welcome.
- Information about the Search Engine Competition
- Slides of the my public talk about search engines (in German)
[June 21, 2006]:
Lectures (Archive):
Recent Papers:
- S. Brass:
SLDMagic - The Real Magic (with Applications to Web Queries).
First International Conference on Computational Logic
Springer LNAI, 2000.
[Postscript (80K)]
- S. Brass, J. Dix, I. Niemelä, T. C. Przymusinski:
On the Equivalence of the Static and Disjunctive Well-Founded
Semantics and its Computation.
Journal of Theoretical Computer Science,
to appear (Vol. 251, 2001).
[Postscript (108K)]
- S. Brass, J. Dix:
Semantics of (Disjunctive) Logic Programs Based on Partial Evaluation.
The Journal of Logic Programming 40:1 (1999),
[Postscript (194K)]
- S. Brass, J. Dix, B. Freitag, U. Zukowski:
Transformation-Based Bottom-Up Computation of the Well-Founded Model.
Accepted for Publication in:
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.
[Postscript (149K)]
- S. Brass, J. Dix, T. C. Przymusinski:
Computation of the Semantics
of Autoepistemic Belief Theories.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence ,
Volumne 112, No. 1-2, 1999.
[Paper (ps, 118K, 21 pages)]
[Technical Report (ps, 263K, 63 pages)]
More Papers
Biographical Information:
I am German
and speak German, English, and Russian.
- Complete CV
- More Personal Information about me (e.g. Religion):
- Marital Status:
married (with Nina Brass), two children (Elisabeth and Daniel).
- Hobbies:
Fireworks, Music, Gardening, Reading,
- Test for Search Engine Optimization:
Stefan Brass
March 20, 2003
Original URL:
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