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Token Types

This module defines an enumeration type tok_t for the different kinds of tokens. It is one of the few modules which does not define a class. There is one one function (tok_name) defined in this module which returns a string naming the token type.

Token Types:
The end of file was reached.
A fullstop (".") followed by white space. This indicates the end of a formula/rule.
An atom like in Prolog, i.e. a sequence of letters and digits, starting with a lowercase letter. Alternatively a quoted string, e.g. 'abc'.
A command: A dollar sign $, followed by a sequence of letters and digits.
An integer, i.e. a sequence of digits, optionally preceded by a minus sign.
A variable like in Prolog, i.e. a sequence of letters and digits starting with an uppercase letter.
The anonymous variable ("_").
A comma (","). This can be used to separate arguments in an atomic formula and to denote conjunction (as in Prolog).
A left paranthesis ("(").
A right paranthesis (")").
A monadic (prefix) operator, i.e. the "classical negation" sign ("~") or default negation ("not).
A binary operator, i.e. one of the following:
A question mark ("?"). It is used to start a query.
A colon (":"). It is used in queries if answer variables are explicitly given.

Error Tokens:

In addition, there are a number of constants indicating different kinds of lexical errors:

An unknown character - neither alphanumeric nor one of the few special characters which have a defined meaning in SLP.
A less than character ("<") which is not followed by a minus ("-"). Currently the only legal use of the less than character is in the implies operator ("<-").
A minus character ("-") which is neither followed by a (">") to make it an implication operator, nor by digits. Currently, no arithmetic expressions are supported. So this use of minus is illegal.
A quoted atom was begun, but there is no closing quote before the line end was reached.
An empty atom ("''") is not allowed.
The fullstop must be followed by white space (as in Prolog). Currently, we treat a "." which is not followed by a space or a newline as an error, and not as an atom.
This means an integer constant was too large. The minimum and maximum integer are defined in lex.h. Currently, the minum integer is -65536, and the maximum integer is 65535 (i.e. 16-bit integers). So, if the input contains a token like 10000000, its token type would be TOK_INT_OVERFLOW.
Illegal empty command (a dollar sign that is not followed by a letter or number.
The input was an atom that is internally used, but cannot occur in input programs. At the moment the only such case is "$answer". Normally, the user would get a syntax error message because this is treated as a command on input. This might seem a bit strange, since the user has seen $answer used like an atom in the output. This special token type produces a hopefully clearer message.

Functions of This Module:

str_t tok_name(tok_t tok);
This function returns a string describing the kind of token (e.g. "atom").


Stefan Brass (sbrass@sis.pitt.edu), April 04, 2002.    [HTML 3.2 Checked]