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List of Terms in an Input Formula

This module defines a class tlist_c. The objects of this class correspond to lists of terms in an input formula (actually, each object is a pair of head and tail, where tail is a reference to another tlist_c-object). The term lists are used as argument lists of atomic formulas (literals).


tlist_c(term_t head);
This method creates a new list of terms out of a given element. This will be the head of the list, the tail will be empty (NIL).

Object Methods:

term_t head(void) const;
This method returns the first term in the list.
tlist_c* tail(void) const;
This method returns the rest of the list (all terms except the first one).
void append(tlist_c* tail);
This method sets the tail of the list to the given value. It can only be called if this list consists currently of only one element (i.e. has no tail).
void print(void) const;
This method prints the lists of terms (separated by commas).


Stefan Brass (sbrass@sis.pitt.edu), September 27, 2001.    [HTML 3.2 Checked]