[Source Modules]
Super Logic Programs: References
Super Logic Programs
- BDP97a
S. Brass, J. Dix, T. C. Przymusinski:
Super Logic Programs.
Technical report, Universität Hannover,
Institut für Informatik,
- BDP96b
S. Brass, J. Dix, T. C. Przymusinski:
Super Logic Programs.
In L.C. Aiello, J. Doyle, S.C. Shapiro (eds.),
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Principles
of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'96),
529-541, Morgan Kaufmann, 1996.
Static Semantics
- Prz95a
T. C. Przymusinski:
Semantics of Normal and Disjunctive Logic Programs:
A Unifying Framework.
In J. Dix, L. M. Pereira, T. Przymusinski (eds.),
Nonmonotonic Extensions of Logic Programming,
LNAI 927,
Springer, 1995, 43-67.
- Prz95b
T. C. Przymusinski:
Static Semantics for Normal and Disjunctive Logic Programs.
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 14,
1995, 323-357.
- Prz94a
T. C. Przymusinski:
A Knowledge Representation Framework Based on Autoepistemic Logic
of Minimal Beliefs.
Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference
on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-94, Seattle, Washington,
August 1994, 952-959.
Residual Program
- BD95a
S. Brass, J. Dix:
A General Approach to Bottom-Up Computation of Disjunctive Semantics.
In J. Dix, L. M. Pereira, T. Przymusinski (eds.),
Nonmonotonic Extensions of Logic Programming,
LNAI 927,
Springer, 1995, 127-155.
- BD95b
S. Brass, J. Dix:
Disjunctive Semantics based upon Partial and Bottom-Up Evaluation.
In L. Sterling (ed.),
Twelfth International Conference on Logic Programming
MIT Press, 1995, 199-213.
If you know further related papers,
please send me an email.
Stefan Brass
August 19, 1997.
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