Abstract Machine for Bottom-Up Evaluation with the Push Method
This is the complete list of members for err_c, including all inherited members.
bad_cgi_hex() | err_c | static |
bad_content_length() | err_c | static |
bad_content_type() | err_c | static |
bad_request_method() | err_c | static |
benchmark_with_debug_code() | err_c | static |
cgi_duplicate_program() | err_c | static |
cgi_field_not_terminated() | err_c | static |
cgi_no_program() | err_c | static |
cgi_null_char() | err_c | static |
cgi_premature_eof() | err_c | static |
cgi_security(str_t filename) | err_c | static |
close_alert() | err_c | static |
close_failed(str_t filename, str_t msg) | err_c | static |
debug_output_disabled() | err_c | static |
dump_begin(str_t headline) | err_c | static |
dump_bool(bool b) | err_c | static |
dump_char(char c) | err_c | static |
dump_end() | err_c | static |
dump_int(int n) | err_c | static |
dump_nl() | err_c | static |
dump_ptr(const void *p) | err_c | static |
dump_str(str_t str) | err_c | static |
dump_uint(unsigned int n) | err_c | static |
flexarr_capacity_limit(str_t name, int curr_length) | err_c | static |
hashtab_limit(str_t tab_name, int hash_size, int hash_pages, int max_pages) | err_c | static |
invalid_test_arg(str_t test_id, int arg) | err_c | static |
line_too_long(str_t filename, int lineno) | err_c | static |
list_capacity_limit(str_t name, int curr_length) | err_c | static |
malloc_failed(unsigned int chunk_size, int num_chunks) | err_c | static |
msg(int n=0) | err_c | static |
null_char(str_t filename, int lineno) | err_c | static |
num_errs() | err_c | static |
ok() | err_c | static |
open_alert(str_t filename) | err_c | static |
open_failed(str_t filename, str_t msg) | err_c | static |
option_missing() | err_c | static |
pred_arity_too_large(str_t name, int arity, int limit) | err_c | static |
pred_too_many_rels(str_t name, int limit) | err_c | static |
read_failed(str_t filename, str_t msg) | err_c | static |
reset() | err_c | static |
stack_overflow(str_t name, int curr_limit) | err_c | static |
store_fact_failed(str_t filename, int line_no, str_t pred_name) | err_c | static |
syntax_begin(str_t filename, int line, str_t msg) | err_c | static |
syntax_end() | err_c | static |
syntax_eof() | err_c | static |
syntax_input(char c) | err_c | static |
syntax_newline() | err_c | static |
test_has_no_arg(str_t test_id) | err_c | static |
unknown_option(str_t arg) | err_c | static |
use_stderr(bool b) | err_c | static |