- SWI-Prolog
- GNU Prolog
- The Ciao Prolog System
- ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System
- Amzi! Prolog + Logic Server
- B-Prolog
- SICStus Prolog
- Visual Prolog
- The Prolog ISO Standard Documents
Deduktive Datenbanken:
- Coral Deductive Database
- The Aditi Deductive Database
- The Deductive Database System LDL++
- The LOLA Project, Implementation of a Deductive Database System
- ROCK&ROLL: Deductive Object Oriented Database System
- Datalog Educational System 1.7.0
- Lightwight Deductive Database System (MITRE Corporation)
- bbdbddb - BDD-Based Deductive DataBase
- LogicBlox: Cloud-delivered platform for actionable Big Data enterprise
- Souffle
- AbcDatalog
- IRIS Reasoner
Erweiterte Logische Programmiersprachen:
- The Mercury Project
- The Mozart Programming System
- Flora-2
- Xcerpt
- ConceptBase: A Deductive Object Manager for Meta Databases
- The Goedel Programming Language
- A Java Deductive Reasoning Engine for the Web
- IRIS - Integrated Rule Inference System
Answer Set Programming (ASP Systeme):
- smodels
- Potassco (clasp, Gringo, ...)
Sonstiges/Spezielle Implementierungen:
- Datalog in Racket (Scheme-ähnliche funktionale Sprache)