Seminar: DNA Computing
Dozent |
Sprechstunde |
K.-J. Lange: Do 13.30 14.30, Raum 009, Sand 13 und nach
K. Reinhardt: Raum 004, Sand 13, Tel. 29-78964
Zeit | Mi 1416 Uhr
Umfang | 2
Beginn | 14.10.98
Ort | Sand 13 R107
- L. Adleman.
Molecular computation of solutions to combinatorial
Science, 266:1021-1024, Nov. 1994.
- N. Pisanti.
A survey on DNA computing.
EATCS Bulletin Nr.64, 188-216, Feb. 1998.
- S. Kurtz, S. Mahaney, J. Royer, J. Simon.
Biological computing.
In Complexity Theory and Retroperspective.
L. Hemaspaandra, A. Selman. 179-196 Springer 1997.
Im Jahre 1994 gelang es L. Adleman erstmals in einem Experiment
Molekularbiologie zu einer Berechnung einzusetzten, indem er
Instanzen eines NP-vollständigen Problems in ein DNA-Molekül codierte.
Seither wurde in vielen Arbeiten untersucht, inwieweit sich
molekularbiologische Methoden zur Lösung von schwierigen
bis hin zu PSPACE-vollständigen Problemen verwenden lassen.
In diesem Hauptseminar sollen einige dieser Arbeiten vorgestellt werden.
- J. Whatson, N. Hopkins,...
Molecular biology of the gene.
Benjamin/Cummings, third edition, 1987.
Vortragender: Michael Dom 4.11.98
- L. Adleman.
Molecular Computation of Solutions to
Combinatorial Problems.
Science, 266:1021-1024, November 1994.
Vortragender: Wolfgang Westje 18.11.
- L. Adleman.
On Constructing a Molecular Computer.
In American Mathematical Scociety,
Preceedings of the Second Annual Meeting on DNA Based Computer,
June 1996.
Vortragender: Elias Volanakis
- R. Lipton.
Speeding Up Computations via Molecular Biology. 1994.
R. Lipton.
Using DNA to solve SAT. 1995.
- R. Karp, V. Kenyon, O. Waarts.
Error resilient DNA Computation .
In 7th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, P 458-467, 1995.
D. Boneh, R. Lipton.
Making DNA Computers Error Resitant.
In Proceeding of the Second Annual Meeting on DNA Based Computer,
June 1996.
- S. Kurtz, S. Mahaney, J. Royer, J. Simon.
Biological computing.
In Complexity Theory and Retroperspective.
L. Hemaspaandra, A. Selman. 179-196 Springer 1997.
- L. Adleman, P. Rothemund, S. Roweis, E. Winfree.
On Applying Molecular Computation to the Data Encryption Standard.
Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting on DNA Based Computer,
June 1996.
D. Boneh, C. Dunworth, R. Lipton.
Breaking DES Using a Molekular computer.
Technical Report TR-499-95, Princeton University, 1995.
- L. Landweber, R. Lipton.
DNA2DNA Computations: A Potential 'Killer App'?.
In LNCS269, Proceedings of the 24th ICALP 97, p 82-92, July 1997.
- P. Rothemund.
A DNA and restriction enzyme implementation of
Turing Machine..
In American Mathematical Society,
Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting on DNA Based Computer,
June 1996.
- D. Ross , K. Wagner.
On the Power of DNA-Computers.
Information and Computation, 131:95-109, 1996.
- A. Gibbons, M. Amos, D. Hodgson
Models of DNA Computation.
Proceedings of MFCS 96 p. 18-36.
- S. Rotweis, E. Winfree,...
A Sticker Based Architecture of DNA Computation..
Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting on DNA Based Computer,
June 1996.
- R. Kosaraju, A. Delcher.
Large-Scale Assembly of DNA Strings and
Space-Efficient Construction of Suffix Trees.
Proceedings of STOC 95 p. 169-177.
1998-15-07 Klaus Reinhardt