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This module defines a class rule_c. Its objects represent rules used during hyperresolution. They consist of:

For the hyperresolution step, the real body is the conjunction of positive literals. The default negations are not evaluated at this point. Their instances are added as conditions to the resulting conditional fact.

In addition, the rule also contains the list of variables that appear in the rule (the literals themselves contain only offsets, i.e. variable numbers).


rule_c(rvars_t vars, rlits_t head, rlits_t body, rnegs_t cond);
This method creates a new rule_c object from its components. head and cond can be NIL, but vars and body must be not NIL. However, the rvars_c object can state that there are 0 variables.

Object Methods:

rvars_t get_vars(void) const;
This method returns the list of variables that appear in the rule.
rlits_t get_head(void) const;
This method returns the list of head literals of the rule.
rlits_t get_body(void) const;
This method returns the list of positive body literals of the rule.
rnegs_t get_cond(void) const;
This method returns the set of default negations in the body of the rule.
void print(rvars_t vars) const;
This method prints the rule.


Stefan Brass (sbrass@sis.pitt.edu), October 3, 2001.    [HTML 3.2 Checked]