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Logical Operators in Formulas (And, Or, ...)

This module defines a class op_c. The objects of this class correspond to logical operator types in formulas. So there are currently exactly 7 objects of this class, namely The class was created to store information about the operators like their name, their priority, and their associativity.

Exported Constants:

static const int OP_MAX_PRIO = 4;;
This is the maximal value returned by prio below.

Exported Enumeration Types:

typedef enum { OP_NOT, OP_AND, OP_OR, OP_IF, OP_THEN, OP_EQUIV, OP_DEFNEG } op_kind_t;;
This is an enumeration type that lists the various kinds of logical operators.

Class Methods:

The 7 objects are preconstructed. The class has methods for accessing them:

static op_c *op_not(void);
This method returns the object corresponding to the classical negation operator.
static op_c *op_or(void);
This method returns the object corresponding to the disjunction (logical or) operator.
static op_c *op_and(void);
This method returns the object corresponding to the conjunction (logical and) operator.
static op_c *op_if(void);
This method returns the object corresponding to the "implication from right to left" (logical if) operator.
static op_c *op_then(void);
This method returns the object corresponding to the "implicationfrom left to right" (logical then) operator.
static op_c *op_equiv(void);
This method returns the object corresponding to the equivalence (logical iff) operator.
static op_c *op_defneg(void);
This method returns the object corresponding to the default negation operator.

Object Methods:

op_kind_t kind(void) const;
This method returns the kind of the operator as an element of the above enumeration type (e.g. OP_NOT, OP_AND).
str_t name(void) const;
This method returns a string representation of the operator (with spaces).
bool_t is_binary(void) const;
This method returns BOOL_TRUE if this operator is binary or BOOL_FALSE if it is unary.
int prio(void) const;
This method returns the priority (binding strength, precedence) of the operator. Note that a smaller numeric value means higher binding strength.
assoc_t assoc(void) const;
This method returns the associativity of the operator, see assoc_t.


Stefan Brass (sbrass@sis.pitt.edu), October 3, 2001.    [HTML 3.2 Checked]