Institut für Informatik
Prof. Dr. Stefan Brass
Declarative Output by Ordering Text Pieces
(Research Project)
This page is under construction.
New versions of the software
and more examples will become avialable
relatively soon.
Research Reports
- Declarative Output by Ordering Text Pieces
(Version from January 24, 2011):
- Slides of my short talk at ICLP'11:
- Simple Prototype for Bottom-Up Evaluation with Output Generation:
(Version from January 24, 2011):
(tested with SWI-Prolog)
- Example 1 (hello world):
[Datalog with output]
- Example 2 (HTML table with homework results):
[Datalog with output]
Examples for Loop Code
- Loop code shown in the paper:
- Three loops over the same cursor:
Stefan Brass
January 24, 2011
Original URL:
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